Praktek dr. Wisnu Widjajadi, Sp.KK beralamat di Jl. Kecapi No.1-6, Beji Tim., Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16422, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Praktek dr. Wisnu Widjajadi, Sp.KK Beji Timur adalah (021) 7751559
Dokter nya baik dan ramah (kami sudah 2x kesini) konsultasi tidak buru² dan tidak dibatasi waktunya (tapi pengertian saja karena banyak yg antri)...Jam praktek 19.00 wib tidak pakai nomor urut jadi siapa yg datang duluan...pembayaran harus tunai/cash yaa...Oiyaa parkir mobil agak pas²an yaa...Obat bisa di tebus di Apotek Afia (sudah kerja sama) dan obat juga bisa di Go-Jek...Mantap pelayanannya...Sehat selalu yaa Dokter....The doctor is kind and friendly (we have been here twice) the consultation is not rushed and there is no time limit (but just be understanding because there are lots of people queuing)... Practice hours are 19.00 WIB. There are no serial numbers so whoever comes first...payment must be in cash/ cash... Oh yes, car parking is a bit tight... Medicine can be redeemed at Afia Pharmacy (already working together) and medicine can also be purchased at Go-Jek... Great service... Always be healthy, Doctor...
Pertama kali kesini karena cari dokter yang praktek hari weekend. Pas liat google reviewnya positif semua. Yaudah jam 18.00 udah disana. Ga ada nomor antrian siapa cepat yg datang. Dan dokternya ramah enak banget konsul ga buru buru. Konsul 100rb/orang . Recommend banget. Semoga penyakit saya cepet sembuh. seminggu lagi control makasih ya dokFirst time here because I was looking for a doctor who practices on weekends. When I looked at the Google reviews, they were all positive. Well, at 18.00 I was there. There is no queue number, first come first served. And the doctor is very friendly and the consul doesn't rush. Consul 100 thousand/person. Really recommend. I hope my illness gets better quickly. in a week's control, thank you doc
Pertama kali datang ke tempat dokter ini. Karna liat review sebelumnya jd dateng awal jam stgah 6 sampe. Blm ada orang dan pintu gerbang tempat nunggu jg blm dibuka. Tinggal solat dulu sm suami. Balik2 abis Maghrib jam 6.10 udah ada keduluan orang antri. Sistem inget dan pengertian aja sm sesama pasien. Baru dibuka pintu rumah utk praktek jam 7.20 malem. Akhirnya aku masuk di urutan kedua (padahal aslinya Dateng pertama). Krn pengen cari kesembuhan aku sm suami konsul agak lama tanya2 jenis penyakit, sebab, cara pengobatan dll. Ada setengah jam an. Keluar2 antrian setelah aku ngedumel katanya bikin kue apa di dalem lama bgt. Saran aja, kita sama2 bayar untuk konsul di dokter spesialis ini. Jd kalo gk sabaran Nunggu orang sebelum kita ya datemg aja seawal waktu mungkin. Dikasih resep utk ditebus di apotek terdekat.Agak lama utk tebus salep racikannya. Bismillah semoga jalan ikhtiar ini bisa membuat penyakit saya tidak sering kambuh lagi. Bagus jg si dokternya. Dokter mengajarkan bahwa kita gk bisa minta kesembuhan dr dia, tp mintalah ke Allah. Dokter ini hanya dapat membantu mengatasi dan cara2 meminimalisir kambuhnya sakit tersebut.First time coming to this doctor's place. Because I saw previous reviews, I came early between 6 and 6am. There were no people yet and the gate to the waiting area had not yet been opened. Just pray with your husband first. Coming back after Maghrib at 6.10 there were already people queuing. Just remember and understand your fellow patients. The door to the house just opened for practice at 7.20 pm. In the end I came in second (even though originally Dateng was first). Because I wanted to find a cure, I and the consul's husband spent a while asking about types of illnesses, causes, methods of treatment, etc. There's half an hour. The queue came out after I grumbled about what kind of cake it takes to make a cake inside. Just a suggestion, we both pay for the consul at this specialist doctor. So if you can't wait for people before us, just come as early as possible. Given a prescription to be redeemed at the nearest pharmacy.It took a while to redeem the ointment that was mixed. In the name of God, I hope this path of endeavor can prevent my illness from recurring again. The doctor is also good. Doctors teach that we can't ask for healing from him, but ask Allah. This doctor can only help overcome and minimize the recurrence of the disease.
Alhamduliah anak saya sembuh, bayi umur 2 bulan terkena dermatitis atopik membuat wajah dan kepala nya merah keluar air dan sedikit nanah. Setelah periksa diberikan resep salep, setelah 2 kali pemakaian salep luka nya sembuh dan mengering sekarang proses melembutkan kulit dengan sabun mandi yg diresepkan juga oleh dokter. Untuk harga sangat terjangkau yaitu 100 ribu dan obat 305 ditebus di apotik afia. Datang jam 18.30 dapat antrian nomor 5. Gak sia2 datang jauh dari condet ke beji membawa anak bayi tapi hasilnya sungguh memuaskan. Terima kasih dokter wisnu semoga sehat selalu dan membantu banyak pasien lagi.Thank God, my child recovered, the 2 month old baby had atopic dermatitis, making his face and head red with water and a little pus. After the examination, a prescription for ointment was given, after using the ointment twice, the wound healed and dried, now the process of softening the skin with bath soap was also prescribed by the doctor. The price is very affordable, namely 100 thousand and 305 drugs can be redeemed at the Afia pharmacy. Arriving at 18.30 you can get queue number 5. It's not in vain to come all the way from Condet to Beji with a baby but the results are really satisfying. Thank you, Doctor Vishnu, hopefully you will always be healthy and help many more patients.
Datang kesini Sabtu jam 7 pagi sudah antrean ke 4, setelah itu rame pasien datang sampai berdiri karena hanya ada 1 bangku di teras. Rumahnya asri dan bersih, pasien diterima di ruang tamu.Sakit kulit saya sudah 2 tahun, gatal Dan perih ditambah kulit sangat kering (mungkin faktor usia). Ia menyarankan saya pakai vco sebagai pelembab alami, pakaian tidak boleh pakai pewangi, harus rajin menyemprot rumah dgn obat pembunuh serangga dan desinkfektan, agar kuman, tungau mati.Anjing/hewan peliharaan di rumah juga wajib diobati anti kutu.Biaya konsul 100 ribu, plus resep antibiotik+salep yang disarankan ditebus di apotik Kimia Farma. Karena Kimia Farma jauh dari rumah, resep saya tebus ke apotek Farhanah dekat rumah, tapi mereka tidak dapat membaca resep dari Dr.Wisnu, takut salah katanya😩Akhirnya ke Kimia Farma, total 500rb an untuk 15 tablet Lincocin, 10 kapsul racikan, 2 salep😩Setelah obat habis, gatal kulit saya tidak membaik bahkan bertambah.Tidak ingin kembali karena resep obat mahal dan tidak manjur.Came here on Saturday at 7 am and there were already 4 queues, after that there were so many patients coming and standing because there was only 1 bench on the terrace. The house is beautiful and clean, patients are received in the living room.My skin has been sore for 2 years, itchy and sore plus very dry skin (maybe age is a factor). He suggested that I use VCO as a natural moisturizer, clothes should not be perfumed, I should diligently spray the house with insect killer and disinfectant, so that germs and mites die. Dogs/pets at home must also be treated with anti-flea.The consul fee is 100 thousand, plus the recommended antibiotic + ointment prescription can be purchased at the Kimia Farma pharmacy. Because Kimia Farma is far from home, I redeemed the prescription at the Farhanah pharmacy near my house, but they couldn't read the prescription from Dr. Wisnu, afraid they would say something wrong😩 Finally went to Kimia Farma, a total of 500 thousand for 15 Lincocin tablets, 10 mixed capsules, 2 ointments 😩After the medicine finished, my skin itching did not improve and even increased.Don't want to go back because prescription drugs are expensive and ineffective.
Pertama kali nulis di google review karena mau ngucapin banyak banyak terimakasih ke dokter Wisnu. Dokter andalan buat anak2ku, terutama anak kedua udah keliling Dsa sampe tes alergi ga nemu jawaban ternyata langsung ketahuan alergi dingin sama dokter Wisnu. Dari anak pertama tiap ada masalah kulit pun langsung sembuh. beruntung bgt nemu dokter di google.Buat yang ada masalah kulit langsung aja dtg kesini, dtgnya jam 6 biar bisa antrian lebih awal. Meskipun rame tapi dijamin lebih cepat dibanding ke RS krn ga ada administrasi ini itu. Plus rasanya kyk bertamu ke guru besar 🙏 dan curhatan kita didengerin tuntaas.Semoga dokter sehat selalu biar semakin banyak yg bisa sembuh lewat tangan dokter ya dok. Aminnnnnn 🙏The first time I wrote a Google review because I wanted to say a lot of thanks to Doctor Vishnu. The doctor I rely on for my children, especially my second child, has been around DSA until the allergy test didn't find an answer but Doctor Vishnu immediately discovered he had a cold allergy. From the first child, every time there was a skin problem, it immediately healed. I was so lucky to find a doctor on Google.For those who have skin problems, just come here straight away, arrive at 6 so you can queue early. Even though it's busy, it's guaranteed to be faster than going to the hospital because there's no administration. Plus it feels like visiting a great teacher 🙏 and our stories are listened to thoroughly.Hopefully the doctor will always be healthy so that more and more people can recover through the doctor's hands, Doc. Amennnnn 🙏
Terima kasih dokter wisnu anak saya umur 3thn beruntusan di bagian paha kanan sudah 3 dokter ga sembuh alhamdulillah datang ke dokter wisnu sembuh, dokternya pun ramah, berobat serasa bertamu, rumah dokter sangat bersih, sehat terus dokter terima kasih.
Akhirnyaa setelah 3x ganti dokter selama 3 minggu dan ga ada perubahan malah tambah banyak, lentingan isi air di wajah anak sy mengering setelah berobat ke dr wisnu.lentingannya seperti cacar air tp 3 dktr sebelumnya bilangnya bkn cacar tp alergi.lentingan lentingan tsb berubah jd luka yg basah dan melebar dan mulai menyebar ke seluruh wajah dan leher.anak sy tdk demam dan tidak merasa gatal sama sekali hanya perih ketika terkena air krn luka basah.setelah googling muncullah dr.wisnu dan beliau bilang anak sy infeksi bakteri.penjelasannya amat sangat bisa dimengerti dan beliau menjelaskan dgn lemah lembut pokoknya baik banget bikin kt ga khawatir .Alhamdulillah 2 hr setelah minum obat dan salep racikan dr.wisnu luka2nya mulai kering dan membaik.terimakasih dokterFinally, after changing doctors 3 times for 3 weeks and there was no change, instead there were more and more, the water-filled lentinging on my child's face dried up after going to Dr. Wisnu. The lentingingan was like chicken pox but 3 days ago he said it wasn't smallpox but an allergy. The lentingingan turned into a wound. which is wet and widening and starting to spread all over the face and neck. My child doesn't have a fever and doesn't feel itchy at all, only stings when exposed to water because the wound is wet. After googling, Dr. Vishnu appears and he says my child has a bacterial infection. His explanation is very clear. understood and he explained gently, the main thing was that it was really good so that we didn't worry. Thank God, 2 days after taking the medicine and ointment made by Dr. Wisnu, the wounds started to dry up and get better. Thank you, doctor.
Bawa anak 6 tahun dermatitis, dokter humble, berpengalaman.. Sehat2 selalu dokter
Nyari2 dokter spesialis kulit di tengah2 sedu sedan suami nahankan gatel dan sakit di kakinya, nemu lah dokter Wisnu ini.. Baru ketauan ternyata kena insect bite, lama-lama jadi ada peradangan pembuluh darah di bawah kulitnya, dokternya jelasinnya rinci dan detail banget..Alhamdulillah baru 2 kali minum obatnya, udah berasa mendingan banget. Dokternya santun bener, baik, ramah, sopan, berobat nya jd kaya' bertamu 🤣 Di sana gak ada nomor antrian ya, jadi modal kepercayaan sesama pasien yg antri aja, buka prakteknya jam 7 malam sampe jam 9, usahakan datang sebelum jam 7 biar gak terlalu rame. Biaya konsultasi 100rbu, setelahnya diresepkan obat, bisa ditebus di apotik terdekat di sana, Apotik Afia kalo gasalah namanya.Trus satu lagi tips buat temen2 yg mau ke sana, kalo liyat di gmaps, biasanya diarahin dari jalan2 setapak, gelap, sempit lagi, baiknya dari jalan Ridwan Rais aja (di bawah jalan layang Arief Rahman Hakim Depok) Dari situ lurus aja kalo gasalah, baru nanti cari jalan Kecapi, nah tanya2 aja di situ rumah dokter Wisnu, gada papan namanya soalnya.Semoga membantu ya.. Buat dokternya, Jazakallah khairan, mkasi banyak ya dok.Searching for a skin specialist doctor in the midst of my husband's sobs, fighting itching and pain in his legs, I found this doctor Vishnu... Just found out he had an insect bite, after a while there was inflammation of the blood vessels under his skin, the doctor explained it in great detail... Thank God, I've only taken the medicine twice, and I feel really better. The doctor is really polite, kind, friendly, courteous, the treatment makes it rich to visit 🤣 There is no queue number there, so trust fellow patients who are queuing, the practice is open from 7pm to 9pm, try to come before 7am so you don't too busy. The consultation fee is 100 thousand, after which the medicine is prescribed, it can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy there, Afia Pharmacy if you don't know the name.Then one more tip for friends who want to go there, if you look at gmaps, you are usually directed from the footpaths, it's dark, narrow and it's best to just go from Jalan Ridwan Rais (under the Arief Rahman Hakim Depok flyover). From there, just go straight if you don't have any problems, Then look for Kecapi Street, so just ask around at Doctor Vishnu's house, there's no sign with his name. Hope this helps... For the doctor, Jazakallah Khairan, thanks a lot, Doc.
Goks rame bener, padahal dr jam 7 sampe sini,, semoga sembuh deh, ini dokter ke 3 gw berobat, nemu di mbah gugle by review,, kl bisa di tambahin kursi sama nomor antrian dok, kesian banyak org tua sama antriannya cuma berdasarkan kepercayaan
Banyak yg cocok kalo dr testimoni pasien rame banget ya. Estimasi 1 pasien +-15 menit. Cuma konsul dan kasih resep. Kesini berobat masalah kulit, ternyata penyakit umum juga bisa.
Klo bs jam 18.00 udah datang biarpun pagar masih ditutup. Antrinya gak pake nomor urut soalnya. Jadi mesti hapalin sendiri urutannya.Klo di tempat beliau lebih mirip bertamu drpd berobat. Biaya konsultasinya 100ribu / orang. Alhamdulillah terjangkau. Hasilnya jg manjur. 2 hari berobat udah gak gatal2 lagi. Recommended bgt pokoknya ke tempat beliauIf I could, at 18.00 I would have arrived even though the fence was still closed. The queue doesn't use a sequential number. So you have to memorize the order yourself.At his place it's more like visiting than getting treatment. The consultation fee is 100 thousand / person. Thank God it's affordable. The results are also effective. 2 days of treatment and no itching anymore. Highly recommended at his place
Cari² dokter kulit di google,mengarah ke dokter wisnu dengan rating 4,9, dan tadi pagi datang kesini untuk konsultasi masalah kulit berjerawat, karena saya pribadi lebih baik ke dokter kulit daripada harus ke klinik kecantikan.Dokternya ramah banget, dikasih tau apa yang boleh di konsumsi dan tidak. Pokoknya rekomended menurut ku.Untuk biaya konsultasi 100rb, kemudian dibuatkan resep untuk tebus di apotik afia (lokasi tidak jauh dari rumah dokter), sampai disana nebus lagi obat 480rb dapat krim wajah dan 2jenis obat untuk di konsumsi.Mungkin untuk harga relatif ya , tergantung jenis kulit dan kebutuhan kulitnya masing².Pokoknya dokter wisnu memahami segala permasalahan kulit, dan pasien yang datang juga banyak dari jakarta dsb.Searching for a dermatologist on Google, led to Doctor Wisnu with a rating of 4.9, and this morning I came here for a consultation on acne skin problems, because I personally prefer to go to a dermatologist rather than going to a beauty clinic.The doctor was very friendly, he told me what to consume and what not. Anyway, recommended in my opinion.For a consultation fee of 100 thousand, then a prescription was made to be redeemed at the Afia pharmacy (located not far from the doctor's house), until there, another 480 thousand was redeemed for medicine and you got face cream and 2 types of medicine to consume.Maybe for relative prices, depending on skin type and individual skin needs.Basically, Doctor Wisnu understands all skin problems, and many patients come from Jakarta, etc.
Nama dokter ini tidak ada di konsil kedokteran indonesia, tidak ada nama wisnu widjajadi yang berstatus dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin, hati-hati praktik dokter palsu atau dokter yang str nya tidak berlaku.
Dokternya ramah dan telaten, tarifnya sangat terjangkau, beliau akan kasih resep tebusnya di Apotik Afia, alhamdulillah resepnya manjur sehingga langsung sembuh
Saya datang Kamis jam 20.30, nggak ramai. Lokasi praktiknya di rumah pribadi dokter. Saat datang agak bingung mana tempat praktiknya karena tidak dipasang plang. Tapi kalau nanya ke orang sekitar pasti tau. Dokternya ramah.
Trima kasih Dokter...jerawat putri saya sudah mereda...mudah2an jerawatnya sembuh dan halus kembali...🙏
Dr Wisnu nya friendly, racikan obatnya pun top bgt, baru 2 hari eksim/dermatitis alergi saya langsung membaik, harga obatnya pun terjangkau. Yg SANGAT2 DI SAYANGKAN, HARGA OBAT DARI PIHAK APOTIK NYA,karna saya sudah berobat 2x ke Dr, Wisnu, harga obatnya berbeda2, padahal dengan resep yg sama, yg pengobatan pertama 280,dan ketika saya berobat yg ke 2x harga nya 390,padahal resep dan obat +salep yg saya Terima tetap sama, pas saya cek ke apotik ternyata antibiotiknya di hargai lebih tinggi dari HET nya obat itu sendiri. Dan gramasi salepnya pun lebih banyak yg pertama kali (karena saya punya timbangan digital). Untuk Mas apotiknya, nyari cuan yg kira2 ya, kasian pasiennya, apalagi setiap harinya banyak pasien yg berobat gak cuma 1-2 orang, mungkin bisa lebih dari 10orangDr Wisnu is friendly, his medicine mix is really top notch, after just 2 days my eczema/allergic dermatitis immediately improved, the price of the medicine was affordable. What I really regret is, THE PRICE OF THE MEDICINE FROM THE PHARMACY, because I have gone to Dr, Wisnu twice, the price of the medicine is different, even though it is with the same prescription, the first treatment was 280, and when I went for the second treatment the price was 390, even though it was a prescription and the medicine + ointment that I received remained the same, when I checked at the pharmacy it turned out that the antibiotic was priced higher than the HET of the medicine itself. And the gram of ointment was higher the first time (because I have a digital scale). For the pharmacy, sir, you are looking for some profit, poor patients, especially since there are many patients who seek treatment every day, not just 1-2 people, maybe more than 10 people.
The doctor is good and the consul can just bring a photo of the patient's skin disease.Medicines can be redeemed at the Afia pharmacy and you can order medicines using the patient's SS prescription. Then take it using a gosen.You have to be patient in queuing.