Aming Coffee Ilham

Aming Coffee Ilham

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Di mana alamat lengkap Aming Coffee Ilham?

Aming Coffee Ilham beralamat di Jl. Ilham No.1, Sungai Bangkong, Kec. Pontianak Kota, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78113, Indonesia

Maaf, untuk saat ini nomor telepon belum tersedia.


  • Review Aming Coffee Ilham

    Good place to hangout, unfortunately feels like it is lacking something.. Not modern enough.

  • Review Aming Coffee Ilham

    The place is nice, but the coffee taste is little bit plain, also the cordon bleu is so dry, no special sauce, taste like a frozen food

  • Review Aming Coffee Ilham

    tempatnya nyaman dan enak, ada indoor dan outdoor, kalau mau transaksi dan kamu member jangan lupa blg no tlpnya kadang suka ga ditanya. pesanannya agak lama diantar, kadang datang pas udh dingin

  • Review Aming Coffee Ilham

    Okelah untuk istirahat sebentar sambil menikmati secangkir kopi sehabis belanja kebuhan elektronik,

  • Review Aming Coffee Ilham

    Cukup menginspirasi disaat lelah mengelilingi mall untuk hunting laptop n handphone.

  • Review Aming Coffee Ilham

    The service and many changed a lot since the first it opened, sadly not for the better. I waited 30 minutes for my order. Kept asking when is it coming out and they kept saying still in the making. When my food came out, it was already cold! The coffee was not good and they removed many iconic food from the menu. Also hiked the price.

  • Review Aming Coffee Ilham

    mengecewakan untuk drivee online di sampingkan

  • Review Aming Coffee Ilham

    Per Januari ini udah bukan UpNormal lagi.
    Tapi ganti jadi Cafe Kita Satu.
    Saya pesan paket ayam fillet + nasi + es teh 27rb. Rasanya enak. Cuma kurang garnish.
    Saya juga pesan makanan yg katanya recomended: nasi goreng rendang.
    Tapi ternyata rasa nasi gorengnya tidak sesuai ekspektasi. Ga pake garnish jg.
    Jadi saya tidak rekomendasikan untuk dicoba.
    Pesan minum susu vanilla nya enak.
    Pesan minum milo eskrim nya enak.

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