Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

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Amstirdam Coffee Mergan beralamat di Ruko Centra Niaga Ijen Ruko Ijen Nirwana H2 No. 12 Masuk dari, Jl. I.R. Rais, Bareng, Klojen, Malang City, East Java 65116, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Amstirdam Coffee Mergan Malang City adalah +62 821-2256-4048


  • Review Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

    Visited this place to fulfill my curiosity of their "best" scramble eggs and it turned awesome just like people's review. The scramble egg fluffy and creamy, best combination with their crunchy sourdough. Menu named Jenny also great, love the combination with the pickled chilli. Staffs are friendly, we were assisted by one of the staff who recommended and gave great explanation for their menu. It has indoor and outdoor seating areas. We sat at outdoor area with sharing tables and semi open pastry kitchen view.

  • Review Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

    Went there around 12pm, usual-crowd, cool ambience and I must say a really yum croissant! not sure whether they ran out of Almond Croissant that day or I'm not lucky enough to get one, so got the butter croissant instead and it's beyond my expectation! Guess they will made the croissant several round each day, because I saw them served the fresh pastries when I was about to go home.

  • Review Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

    Good food, good coffee, neat rooms, even the toilets. And the waiters are helpul. Sitting at different price range with the other coffee shop makes it less crowded. 9/10

  • Review Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

    one of the best coffee shop in town, if you are a coffee lover you must try this place, their coffee house blend is awesome, very comfy place to hang outs, got separated smoking room and non smoking room, i usually take a brunch here, or just chill and relax on sunday, but usually crowded on work days especially when lunch time..

  • Review Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

    Nyaman, cukup artistik. Ada area non smoking dan smoking area.
    Suasana cemderung redup.
    Makanan lumayan pilihannya, apalagi macam minumannya.

  • Review Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

    Berlokasi di salah satu sudut Jl. A. Yani di Kota Semarang, kafe ini menghadirkan suasana nongkrong yang nyaman dan seperti berada di rumah sendiri. Saya memesan Americano yang bercitarasa perfect dan mendapatkan komplimen gratis berupa kue manis menyerupai apem atau srabi. So good.

  • Review Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

    This a beautiful looking shop with some lovely homewares but the customer service was extremely poor. There was an air of arrogance about the two young ladies serving at the register, no eye contact, no welcome or thank you.

  • Review Amstirdam Coffee Mergan

    Ordered GoJek, tea came without any milk or sugar, no cutlery, pancakes over cooked.

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