Bie Coffee

Bie Coffee

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Di mana alamat lengkap Bie Coffee?

Bie Coffee beralamat di Jl. Sejahtera No.12, Laksana, Kec. Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia

Maaf, untuk saat ini nomor telepon belum tersedia.


  • Review Bie Coffee

    Nice place to hang out, affordable drinks, lot of tasty foods, I'd recommend their lime coffee and Ice coffee milk, and don't forget to taste their toast by toast-ka. Very recommended

  • Review Bie Coffee

    Good place, I like it here, but please fix your toilet's door.. I can't lock it when I'm doing my business

  • Review Bie Coffee

    The food and drinks are alright. They tried to increase their menu options , but unfortunately I dont think the taste of the food is too good. Even the coffee I thought could have been better, its quite average. Also.. tends to get very noisy, since it's right in the main road, all road noises come into the cafe, no sound insulation at all. Ambience inside is decent, but the small size of the cafe and noise make it a bit uncomfortable.

  • Review Bie Coffee

    Perfect Food.. Excellent Service

  • Review Bie Coffee

    A wide variety range of food here!

  • Review Bie Coffee


  • Review Bie Coffee

    Aku sangat sukaaa.. Benar benar memberi inspirasi kalo lagi kerjaa...

  • Review Bie Coffee

    Bukber disini breng istri, mngkin karena pengunjungnya rame bngt jd agak lama pelayananannya. Kita order ayam blackpaper, hot chicken spicy, cireng rujak. Utk rasa dari yg kita order ini tdk istimewa.

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