Jon's Cafe And Coffee

Jon's Cafe And Coffee

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Di mana alamat lengkap Jon's Cafe And Coffee?

Jon's Cafe And Coffee beralamat di Ruko Centro Avenue, Jl. KH Mukmin No.11, Kapasan, Ciwalk, Kec. Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61214, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Jon's Cafe And Coffee Kabupaten Sidoarjo adalah +62 31 8073904


  • Review Jon's Cafe And Coffee

    Good place. Good menu

  • Review Jon's Cafe And Coffee

    Great cafe at Sidoarjo with Good ambience and coffee. The price of the food is more expensive among others cafe at Sidoarjo. But its worth with wht u get. They have live music as well at the evening.

  • Review Jon's Cafe And Coffee

    Many bonuses. Usually by a contain SMS delivered about bonuses if we passing by this place. And there's also a walk in bonuses, just register your mobile number into the customer service.

  • Review Jon's Cafe And Coffee


  • Review Jon's Cafe And Coffee

    Varian donuts nya lumayan banyak tapi kebersihan tempat nya harus lebih di tingkat kan lagi

  • Review Jon's Cafe And Coffee

    Lumayanlah buat yang suka nongkrong deket Tugu Jogja

  • Review Jon's Cafe And Coffee

    Tempatnya oke, luas jg yg di halaman belakang tapi lebih enak kalo sore2

  • Review Jon's Cafe And Coffee

    Dari luar tempatnya keliahatan gak terlalu luas, pas masuk area belakang lumayan luas buat dan bisa buat area smoking....
    Tempatnya asik juga, konsep tempat yang di belakang kaya kebun gitu, asik buat nongkrong...
    Buat rasa kopi nya lumayan enak juga...
    Selain kopi ada juga non kopi dan kue kue cemilan kalo makanan berat blon ada disini....
    Buar parkiram kendaraan, kalo motor bisa di halaman kalo mobil parkir di pinggir jalan ( tapi jalannya gak terlalu rame alias bukan jalan utama)...

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