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Di mana alamat lengkap KedaiSanesKape?

KedaiSanesKape beralamat di Jl. Pahlawan No.2 (samping foto mutiara, RT.03/RW.08, Majalengka Kulon, Kec. Majalengka, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat 45418, Indonesia

Nomor telepon KedaiSanesKape Kabupaten Majalengka adalah +62 831-2005-3154


  • Review KedaiSanesKape

    Best burger in town

  • Review KedaiSanesKape

    Kalau kalian punya budget 100k-200k ini salah satu yang worthed kenapa? Krn banyak yg lbh mahal dr pd it tp B aja alias sama fasilitasnya kyk ini. Dsni pelayanannya ok, kalau kamar sih gak besar, tp air panas dan dingin mantabbb, cuma kalau bisa jangan gelap2 an trutama yg lantai dua gelap sampe2 bpknya pake lampu diatas kepala, sayang sih klo gitu. Lokasinya masuk jalan besar jadi mudah aja mau klo kemana2
    Oh ya disini rata2 diisi orang dari driver perusahaan kyk makana2/minuman gitu

  • Review KedaiSanesKape

    Ok banget buat nongkrong ngopi maupun casual meeting. Harganya ok jg.

  • Review KedaiSanesKape

    Tempat nongki santai

  • Review KedaiSanesKape

    Quiet and nixe coffee

  • Review KedaiSanesKape

    The opening hours are not correct. Call before going

  • Review KedaiSanesKape

    One of my favourite places in Kuta Lombok. Food is really good, best smoothie bowls in Lombok + healthy food and drinks. Also the several gym classes are very good - muay thai, surf strength training, strength and conditioning and hiit. Affordable and good quality in everything they provide. People here are very friendly and make you feel at home.

  • Review KedaiSanesKape

    Great coffee but very bad "healthy shots". It's just NOTHING, but some weird powder (I took a super green shot, with spiraling, chlorella and other good stuff. The result you can see on the picture. Taste like water.)
    Overall the rest of the menu is amazing, the staff is great and we love this place.
    The only thing is "shots"... are fake and not healthy at all

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