Kobass Coffee Makassar

Kobass Coffee Makassar

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Di mana alamat lengkap Kobass Coffee Makassar?

Kobass Coffee Makassar beralamat di Jl. Ujung Pandang No.12 A, Pattunuang, Kec. Wajo, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90111, Indonesia

Maaf, untuk saat ini nomor telepon belum tersedia.


  • Review Kobass Coffee Makassar

    Buat anda yg pencinta kopi,apa salahx anda mampir di Kobass Caffe,rasakan kelezatan kopix

  • Review Kobass Coffee Makassar

    Coffee is delicious, yesterday was good flavour but a bit weak. Spoke to Erik this morning and he ramped it up nicely - full bodied, rich, smooth and a little bite.

  • Review Kobass Coffee Makassar

    The charcoal it's really sweet like i drink sugar and then the fries to salty. The staff must be concern to clean the window.
    It's good not used straw from plastic.

  • Review Kobass Coffee Makassar

    Really tasty and healthy smoothie bowl options in a nice setting, only knocked off a star because it’s pretty over priced compared to other spots on the island

  • Review Kobass Coffee Makassar


  • Review Kobass Coffee Makassar

    Nice healthy cafe. Curry is good. I also enjoy the gazpacho. They have card games and books!

  • Review Kobass Coffee Makassar

    Nette Location und gute Auswahl für gesunde, frische Mahlzeiten. Finde allerdings die Preise etwas zu hoch angesetzt für das was man bekommt.

  • Review Kobass Coffee Makassar

    Kopinya enak bangeetttt....

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