Kopi Walik beralamat di Alun-Alun Utara St, Prawirodirjan, Gondomanan, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55132, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Kopi Walik Yogyakarta City adalah +62 822-4243-4229
We can enjoy the view of alun-alun utara here. Vintage and simple cafe. There are alot of traditional beverages and meals. I had tasted wedang uwuh, kopi walik (inverted the glass of coffee), tofu. They are delicious and affordable. Good for group chit chat and enjoyable place for spending night of Jogja!
Well, I like the coffee, it's locally grown and brewed coffee with traditional brewing method. It's very much interesting that they served the coffee up side down. This way, they keep the coffee warm longer, which is nice. The place itself is minimalist, which has indoor and outdoor seating, which is very nice. I recommend the coffee and enjoyed the stay.
Very nice coffee with calm atmosphere
A nice place to hang out and eat...
Cumi saus tiramnya..enakk..
Pelayanan bagus, udara gak bagus
Kopii nya enak banget
Murah lagi
Vibe nya kayak di rumah
Makanannya uenak tenan