Koping Coffee & Space beralamat di Jogjatronik Mall, Jl. Brigjen Katamso No.75-77, Prawirodirjan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55121, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Koping Coffee & Space Kota Yogyakarta adalah +62 851-5660-8870
a nice plafon to meeting. discuss..etc. nice food and affordable price
what a great place to have a meeting, last month we order a meeting room and the place was great!! great interior, great view, great food, great coffee, friendly workers and IT'S REALLY CHEAP... I really recommend this place... Best Drink : Swiss Chocolate
Loved Ashtari! We went for two yoga classes which were great - I’m a big time novice but the teacher was excellent with her guidance.
Afterwards we went upstairs for coffees which tasted great with the breathtaking views. Only feedback I would give is to provide length of classes in the schedule as the 90min class came as a little bit of a surprise.
Other than that, a fantastic time. Would definitely recommend!
Bagus buat pengambilan viuwnya cmn syg makananx gk ad khas lombok
Excellent view and service, decent food, ok drinks.
음식이나 서비스는 보통이지만 전망이 너무 좋아서 쉬면서 담소나누기 좋은 곳.
Very relaxing please, nice staff, excellent presentation but overcook istilah baline puun"Pisang kipas" Should not be served....