Maharaja Coffee Roaster beralamat di Jl. Melawan No.26, RT.7/RW.7, South Mangga Dua, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10730, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Maharaja Coffee Roaster Central Jakarta City adalah +62 21 6248148
really love this vibe
Dari luar tempatnya keliahatan gak terlalu luas, pas masuk area belakang lumayan luas buat dan bisa buat area smoking....
Tempatnya asik juga, konsep tempat yang di belakang kaya kebun gitu, asik buat nongkrong...
Buat rasa kopi nya lumayan enak juga...
Selain kopi ada juga non kopi dan kue kue cemilan kalo makanan berat blon ada disini....
Buar parkiram kendaraan, kalo motor bisa di halaman kalo mobil parkir di pinggir jalan ( tapi jalannya gak terlalu rame alias bukan jalan utama)...
Kawan Baru Coffee & Talk is located in the same area with Resto Solo, so the parking space is the same for both. This coffee shop is very popular and crowded for hanging out and even working with laptop. They have indoor and outdoor area. The outdoor is much larger than the indoor area.
Kawan Baru provides coffee, non coffee, Mixology (mixed juice), along with some light bites. That time when I came here, I had coffee already in the morning, so this time I tried their non coffee drink, Bailey Latte (IDR 32,000). This iced and refreshing drink is the combination of bailey and UHT milk.
A comfortable place with good coffee and a supportive environment for discussion and doing things using a laptop or other device. For some time, the outdoor zone was too crowded (to maintain a distance) and tended to be noisy for a casual coffee. The indoor zone has a pretty good aesthetic style, but I wonder why smoking is allowed in the indoor area.
Tolong, kalo pesanan 2 coffenya , dianter. Mana duduknya jauh, jadinya tumpah2 coffenya
Kelebihannya, photobox. Kalau suasana outdoor-nya hampir sama dengan kebanyakan kafe dengan konsep industrialis kekinian. Jadi, buat yang mau santia sejenak, oke. Kalau harga juga standar kebanyakan.
Kalau kongkow di sini baiknya bawa/pakai lotion nyamuk. Nyamuknya gede2 dan tajem2.
Just whenever you feel kinda bored with all the "same" kind coffeshop in city,, try this one,, not as good as in main city,, but still more than just "good",,