McDonald's Ciater Raya

McDonald's Ciater Raya

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Di mana alamat lengkap McDonald's Ciater Raya?

McDonald's Ciater Raya beralamat di Jl. Ciater Raya No.29, Ciater, Kec. Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15310, Indonesia

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  • Review McDonald's Ciater Raya

    Another McD restaurant, however they have computerized order now. Clean and nice, helpful staff, musholla, free parking also. Love to come back again

  • Review McDonald's Ciater Raya

    located in a very strategic place. spacious. small parking lot though.

  • Review McDonald's Ciater Raya

    One of delicious arabian food , i like all menus here, and my other fav is they have book store and i bought šŸ˜šŸ˜

  • Review McDonald's Ciater Raya

    Bubur laham...ajiippppp

  • Review McDonald's Ciater Raya


  • Review McDonald's Ciater Raya

    Menunya enak, tempatnya seru

  • Review McDonald's Ciater Raya

    As the name describes, it is a sport center (gym and swimming pool) and a resto. Yet, this spot has awesome refreshing atmosphere.
    Additional parts are mini zoo and play area for kids and adults (billiard pool). The mini zoo is fun to attend since we can also feed the animals. The animals displayed are iguanas, cocaktoo, rabbits, deer, swan, monkeys, and goats.
    Since the last time we visited the place, we enjoyed feeding the animals and swimming, we only ordered sandwich and iced tea.
    Overall, it is a nice place for refreshing and having gathering either with family or colleagues.

  • Review McDonald's Ciater Raya

    Untuk minizoo nya anak usia 2 tahun kok di itung ticket sendri..tolong lah ada batasan usia nya untuk ticket nya

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