Ngopi Lok Coffee Shop beralamat di X85P+845, Jl. Mujahidin, Akcaya, Kec. Pontianak Sel., Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78113, Indonesia
Maaf, untuk saat ini nomor telepon belum tersedia.
Let's have fun together
Affordable coffees, teas and pretty thick and good hot chocolate.
There's a lovely garden behind the coffee bar that is welcoming especially for families with kids.
There is a uno stacko set, plus a little sand pit for kids to play while parents have their tea break.
This place serves 3 types of food (see menu).
And the free wifi is one of the strongest we've encountered on the island so far.
Best coffee on the island! Hands down the best. Live on the island and I am pretty much there most mornings to get my brew. Good strong coffee, excellent friendly, professional barristers and good vibe. Keep up the good work guys- probably see you tomorrow morning ;)
Hands down best coffee in this area. Good vibes. First stop every morning.
Penak gae ngopi Karo cangkruk Ambi konco konco
Tempatnya OK tapi rukonya kurang oke Krn dilantai 3 kita harus ke atas dulu lewat tangga muka. Ngeriiii buat emak2 hehehe semoga tempatnya pindah ke lantai dasar aja yaaa
makin mahal. Tida ramah samsek.