Noima Coffee

Noima Coffee

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Di mana alamat lengkap Noima Coffee?

Noima Coffee beralamat di Jl. Mahmud, Pamoyanan, Kec. Cicendo, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40173, Indonesia

Maaf, untuk saat ini nomor telepon belum tersedia.


  • Review Noima Coffee

    Tempat nya enak untuk berkumpul sama teman, tempat nya minimalis dan makanan nya pun terjangkau

  • Review Noima Coffee

    Bagus oke nyaman juga kok.

  • Review Noima Coffee

    Barangnya bagus bagus, harga terjangkau dan tempat nya nyaman

  • Review Noima Coffee

    Karyawan sepatu nya gak frenly bgt
    Ngenyek sampeyan mbk

  • Review Noima Coffee


  • Review Noima Coffee

    Bagus, parkir luas enak buat belanja maupun hiburan

  • Review Noima Coffee

    Nice place to hangout the is few restaurant like wendys, richeese, etc and a cinema and game zone

  • Review Noima Coffee

    Nice clean shopping area in Pekalongan. Close to Hotel Dafam. Ground floor restaurants, coffee shop, ice-cream parlour . Second and third floor shopping area Transmart. From clothes, smartphone, electronics, household, groceries, toiletries.
    Fourth floor is for entertainment. Rollercoaster rides, Kida arena and cinemas.over all a good experience. ample
    Parking space.

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