Rumah Makan Aneka Rasa beralamat di Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No.Km 3.5, Baturaja, Kec. Baturaja Timur, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan 32113, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Rumah Makan Aneka Rasa Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu adalah +62 735 327071
2019 and they don't accept debit or other cashless payment. Hey, you live on cave or what?
The greatest coffee I drank in Indonesia was here. They've got different kinds of beans for the different regions of Indonesia, especially Java.
Some additional free cakes pump up the experience.
The prices are great for Europeans and Americans but quite high for Indonesians.
The quality is perfect.
Tempatnya enak banget karna sepi dari suara jalanan, kopinya enak dan paling suka soft cakenya š„°
Tempatnya enak, baristanya ramah ramah. Harga lumayan sesuai sama tempatnya. Parkiran juga lumayan luas. Cocok buat nongkrong atau duduk sambil kerja.
I like the place, the coffee also the food. The price not to expensive, there are many variant of the food and the coffee, tea, and chocolate. U need to visit this comfortable place! U need to try this place. The taste of the coffee so delicious. Happy coffee time
This neighborhood coffee shop serve quality coffee. I order Es Kopi Kocok (esspresso mix with white chocolate) and Capucinno taste really good. Both use quite strong coffee. They serve food but we didn't try the food yet. Quite spacious with smoking and non smoking area. Clean and staff gave good service. Nice to hang out. .
suasananya damai hijau dan alami. Klow soal rasa gak kalah dgn cafe terkenal. Nikmaaat kopinya....
Bisa bikin acara party di halamannya yg luas banget. mata sejuk memandang kolam ikan koi dll yg super bening.
Kok gk pernah berubah ya?? Nunggu makanan aja sampek 45 menit... Kalo kurang staff tambah dong...