Saung Mang Iwa

Saung Mang Iwa

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Di mana alamat lengkap Saung Mang Iwa?

Saung Mang Iwa beralamat di P7M5+V7J, Sukaresik, Sindangkasih, Ciamis Regency, West Java 46261, Indonesia

Maaf, untuk saat ini nomor telepon belum tersedia.


  • Review Saung Mang Iwa

    Best coffee in Bali! I love mine with almond milk and was so happy that they use my favourite - milk lab. Great service and super clean

  • Review Saung Mang Iwa

    Nice designed area. I love the almond coffee latte flavor..
    Upstairs u can enjoy the swing and have a look at the street.
    The Showroom is good also. I do not try the food yet but it is same price as canggu area .. look yummy
    Good place to make a stop. They are in front of mc Donald's.

  • Review Saung Mang Iwa

    가게 인테리어가 너무 이쁘고 맘을 편안하게 해줘요 ㅎ 노래 선곡도 너무 좋아요 하루 종일 여기 앉아서 커피 마시면서 노래듣고 가면 기분 좋아짐 게다가 직원분들이 너무 친절하심...10점만점에 10점
    아메리카노는 산미가 있는 편이라 산미 있는걸 안좋아하는 저로서는 좀 아쉬웠지만 다른 모든 장점이 이걸 상쇄시켜요!! 제 최애카페

  • Review Saung Mang Iwa

    Very good food and best coffee 👍👍

  • Review Saung Mang Iwa

    Cute small coffee shop, good coffee

  • Review Saung Mang Iwa

    It's the compact version of the same coffee shop nearby. Being small, you may bring over only one friend (perhaps the most special one) here. Menus are the same with the signature of currently happening kopsus called Kopi Susu Bu Linda

  • Review Saung Mang Iwa

    Tempat beristirahat yang nyaman sambil ngopi. Coba kopi es surken
    IG: bogorfoodjourney

  • Review Saung Mang Iwa

    Pesan es kopi susu linda, yang katanya lebih kopi. Tapi tetap menurut aku kurang pahit padahal sudah minta less sugar. Ya gimana, mungkin emang lidah sekarang sudah tidak terlalu "balance" jadi lebih suka yang kopinya kuat dibandingkan susunya

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