Starbucks Rest Area KM 754

Starbucks Rest Area KM 754

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Di mana alamat lengkap Starbucks Rest Area KM 754?

Starbucks Rest Area KM 754 beralamat di Jl. Tol Surabaya - Gempol KM.26, Tol Trans Jawa No.KM.754, Ngepung, Sidokepung, Kec. Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61252, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Starbucks Rest Area KM 754 Kabupaten Sidoarjo adalah +62 31 99010537


  • Review Starbucks Rest Area KM 754

    Nice place to take a rest before continuing the journey. Good food good service

  • Review Starbucks Rest Area KM 754

    If you want to travel to Malang via the toll road, take the time to stop at this Starbucks. This place is a kind of oasis in the midst of a hot atmosphere of course during the day. And if you have to be in a hurry, this place provide a drive thru service so you don't have to get out of your vehicle. Don't forget to ask the barista for the speciality of the day menu which is a shame to put aside

  • Review Starbucks Rest Area KM 754

    Mantaplah, tempat tim berberlanja sembari memanjakan anak di arena permainannya

  • Review Starbucks Rest Area KM 754


  • Review Starbucks Rest Area KM 754


  • Review Starbucks Rest Area KM 754

    콜드블루 유명하데서 먹엇는데 한약느낌의 쓴맛이 남
    한국 콜드블루 생각하면 경기도 오산 대정리
    기본적으로 쿠키하나 같이나오는데 뻑뻑함
    녹색잔에 액체도 주는데 이것이 시럽이라고 생각하면
    경기도 오산 대정리임 그냥 물임 훼이크
    생각이 잇다면 누구처럼 시럽이라고 우길수가 없음

  • Review Starbucks Rest Area KM 754

    Tempat nya enak, view nya bagus, cuma kalo dateng malem tempat nya agak remang2 daaan acar nya gak enakk

  • Review Starbucks Rest Area KM 754

    Nice place and concept. Steak with coffee house together with dessert cake and wine.

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