Taeun Coffee & Works

Taeun Coffee & Works

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Di mana alamat lengkap Taeun Coffee & Works?

Taeun Coffee & Works beralamat di LLRE Martadinata St No.50, Citarum, Bandung Wetan, Bandung City, West Java 40114, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Taeun Coffee & Works Bandung City adalah +62 22 20544108


  • Review Taeun Coffee & Works

    Inexpensive, affordable for school students, foods and beverages choices are vary. Tiny place with AC but sometimes people are smoking here.

  • Review Taeun Coffee & Works

    Really enjoyed the place, even in the middle of the city, yummy coffee and reasonable price 😁😁😁

  • Review Taeun Coffee & Works

    Tempat rapi nyaman , di dalam Roxy square .

  • Review Taeun Coffee & Works

    kopi franchise buka di roxy square

  • Review Taeun Coffee & Works

    Tempatnya nyaman, cuman kalo bisa rasanya lebih ditingkatkan lagi, biar ga sama kayak merk lainnya.. ☺️

  • Review Taeun Coffee & Works


  • Review Taeun Coffee & Works

    Well, its a Starbucks. On an island in a coffee producing country that alone says everything.
    The visit to this latest addition to the number of Starbucks in Bali, was set by the business opposite i was meeting.
    The fact, that despite i pointed out that i will consume in store (respectively on the patio) did not compute witht the staff that served me my hot chocolate (good taste, as the chocolate mix is pretty generic in all St'bucks) in a to go cup.
    The staff did however adsell a pastry (cinamon pastry). The pastry was relatively fresh ( deducted from the advanced first in first out food shelf-live system St'bucks has implemented) and SWEET ! Together with the hot chocolate i maxed out on my weekly sugar intake after half way through.
    The starbucks concept appears to have passed its prime - no wonder they start serving booze in a new one in BKK.

  • Review Taeun Coffee & Works

    Lumayan lah dgn hrg segitu,

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