Tree House Cafe Bandung

Tree House Cafe Bandung

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Di mana alamat lengkap Tree House Cafe Bandung?

Tree House Cafe Bandung beralamat di Jl. Hasanudin No.5, Lebakgede, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Tree House Cafe Bandung Kota Bandung adalah +62 22 2533648


  • Review Tree House Cafe Bandung

    Nice ambience and good food. Not very pricey! Worth a try.

  • Review Tree House Cafe Bandung

    Good taste with affordable price, and kids friendly.

  • Review Tree House Cafe Bandung

    My favorite place for meeting n hangout. Breakfast too

  • Review Tree House Cafe Bandung

    Aussie & double cheese burgernya enak

  • Review Tree House Cafe Bandung


  • Review Tree House Cafe Bandung

    Oi oi

  • Review Tree House Cafe Bandung

    Makanan nya enak... Temoatnya ok

  • Review Tree House Cafe Bandung

    Caffe lattenya ok... soft

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