Warkop Reno

Warkop Reno

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Warkop Reno beralamat di 854H+VP6, Kel Honipopu, Sirimau, Kota Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia

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  • Review Warkop Reno


  • Review Warkop Reno


  • Review Warkop Reno

    Tempatnya ok,, nyaman

  • Review Warkop Reno

    This coffee shop serves you excellent coffee with many pastries option, the place is quite cool, you can sit near the rice field, and you will absolutely love the vibe. The owner/ brewer are friendly and you will have a good time while spending your time sipping your coffe, trully a great experience.

  • Review Warkop Reno

    Hidden Gems for coffee lovers. My first time visiting Kopiae and will come back again! Lovely coffee truck! Their latte taste very chocolaty. Big parking space and connected to car wash where you can wait here while your car get cleaned. But you can also park on their parking space! Very big actually.

  • Review Warkop Reno

    Barista friendly

  • Review Warkop Reno

    Kopi susu nya enak, suasana nya bikin betah , ada mushola di lantai 2 ,rasa makanannya biasa aja dan kalo parkir sedikit ribet karena sempit tempatnya

  • Review Warkop Reno

    Makanan lama sekali datangnya padahal kondisi sedang sepi.

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