Warung Sor Pring beralamat di 528R+P5C, Jalan Banarang Jl. Banaran Gg. III, RT.12/RW.04, Banaran, Kec. Pesantren, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur 64133, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Warung Sor Pring Kota Kediri adalah +62 857-9034-1608
I have known this place for so long ago, and the place is so good and have a nice air
nice place guys...
I really like this place, from the decor, atmosphere, service, coffee minus the food that I tried today.
My piccolo was great, full bodied, full of flavour.
Creama and temperature was perfect too.
I was here waiting for friend, and feeling something to nibble, so I decided to order something light.
Emping Nacho was great, this dish consists of Emping chips, melted cheese, black olives, roasted corn, sweet relish, onions with tartar sauce and fresh salsa.
If I may give my opinions, what I feel that tartare sauce more like sour cream base not a mayonnaise based condiments, not enough dill/gherkin and zing from lemon zest.
Also “fresh salsa” doesn’t look so fresh to me, it was pre made sometimes ago, and definitely not today beaded on my observation from salsa colour and taste.
Makananya enak, tempatnya luas dan cukup untuk banyak pengunjung, pelayanan ramah dan yang paling utama adalah pisang gorengnya, MUST TRY
worth it daripada ojodhumeh
Enak buat nongkrong sama temen, tempatnya ditengah desa nan sejuk dan damai. Tapi pelayanan kurang baik, dan kurang ramah
Good vibes. Feels like at grandma's house. The foods are so so.
Jalannya agak masuk, disini makanan rumahan rasanya lumayan dan ambil sendiri, harganya standar, pelayanan ramah, ada mushola juga disini, bisa makan diluar ato didalam (joglo) atau digazebo luar ditengah2 resto ada kolam juga. Tempatnya lumayan nyaman