Water Castle Cafe

Water Castle Cafe

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Di mana alamat lengkap Water Castle Cafe?

Water Castle Cafe beralamat di Jl. Polowijan, Patehan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55133, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Water Castle Cafe Kota Yogyakarta adalah +62 813-2662-5905


  • Review Water Castle Cafe

    Very good lunch and very good talks with the owners. They are a nice couple and we had been very good welcomed. We had a very great time here ! Don’t hesitate to try 😍
    Pierre and Melissa from France

  • Review Water Castle Cafe

    Very nice restaurant!!!! After visiting water palace, this is the place to relax a bit!

  • Review Water Castle Cafe

    What a really nice place to have a drink and something to eat. One of the nicest places I've been to recently. It's a bit quirky but you really feel at home. Unbelievable toilets, it's a piece of art work 😊

  • Review Water Castle Cafe

    nice place

  • Review Water Castle Cafe

    Chill and cheers

  • Review Water Castle Cafe

    Nice taste nice space

  • Review Water Castle Cafe

    Lokasinya strategis banget, cukup opsi makanan minunan, ada bagian indoor dan outdoor.

  • Review Water Castle Cafe

    Tried green tea latte and it was good! but the place can't be called "co working space"

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