wiyuka coffee

wiyuka coffee

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Di mana alamat lengkap wiyuka coffee?

wiyuka coffee beralamat di Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No.Desa, Pelayang Raya, Kec. Sungai Bungkal, Kota Sungai Penuh, Jambi 37111, Indonesia

Maaf, untuk saat ini nomor telepon belum tersedia.


  • Review wiyuka coffee

    I love this coffee shop. Here, you don't have to go around Indonesia to taste Indonesian Legacy Coffee. This coffee shop also have so many delicious beverages. Owners and waitress, they're so friendly.

  • Review wiyuka coffee

    On vacation I went to a Wiyuka Coffe cafe. The place is clean, comfortable, pleasant and suitable for hanging out for young people, but it shouldn't be too crowded because there aren't many seats. The location is very strategic. There, I ordered fried rice "penyet ayam", it tastes good but is very spicy and the fruit ice cream drink tastes good and the fruit is fresh. The service is fast and friendly. The price is cheap and reasonable.
    Very recommended

  • Review wiyuka coffee

    Loved it, cozy place for hangout for couple and family.... place's that u must try....

  • Review wiyuka coffee

    Nice place, good food...

  • Review wiyuka coffee


  • Review wiyuka coffee

    Comfortable place... With huge parking area... Just nice place to hangout with family or friends... Great...

  • Review wiyuka coffee

    Nice place

  • Review wiyuka coffee


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