Zero Point Indonesia

Zero Point Indonesia

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Di mana alamat lengkap Zero Point Indonesia?

Zero Point Indonesia beralamat di jl terusan, Jl. ABC No.21, Braga, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40111, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Zero Point Indonesia Kota Bandung adalah +62 859-2315-6095


  • Review Zero Point Indonesia

    Cozy place, sitting on the 2nd fl can enjoy fresh air and street view

  • Review Zero Point Indonesia

    Great location. Good beach view. Clean place and toilets. Dog friendly which are all clean and looked after.
    The staff were friendly but they forgot every part of our order so we had it all come backwards and drinks at the end. This was after we reminded them 3 times. The Sanur breakfast was pretty diabolical and expensive. Put it this way, the dogs turned up their noses at the chicken sausages. I hope that doesn’t mean I’ll be ill…
    The coffee tasted nice but was small. The croissant was nice.
    The fruit juices are so watered down it tasted like flavoured water. Utterly bizarre.

  • Review Zero Point Indonesia

    Manraab deh buaran

  • Review Zero Point Indonesia


  • Review Zero Point Indonesia


  • Review Zero Point Indonesia

    Gerai kue dan roti favorit, setiap ultah keluarga selalu beli disini.
    Lokasi di pinggir jalan dekat mall buaran tepatnya sebelah Dunkin' Donat Buaran. Pelayanan stafnya ramah, kuenya enak terutama cheese cake sama deluxe mix signature nya, protokol covidnya berjalan baik, Suasananya nyaman dan tentunya ada harga yg harus dibayarkan dengan semua itu.

  • Review Zero Point Indonesia


  • Review Zero Point Indonesia

    Lokasi strategis, tapi parkiran kecil tp lumayan nyaman, pelayanan ramah


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