Their Asphahan Corrisants♡♡♡♡ Never ever miss trying it
Плюсом к бесподобному вкусу также является красивая упаковка и фирменный перфорированный пакет даже к самому маленькому заказу :)))
Their Asphahan Corrisants♡♡♡♡ Never ever miss trying it
Don't be afraid to try the ones made of weird combinations of flavors. Those always turn out to be the better ones because the flavors work very well in balance
Arguably the best Macaron in the world.. we specifically bought T/A after sat down @ Ladurée down the road. BUY minimum 7, so it can be in a presentable box (with leaflet 2explain what is what)
The best macaron and also every kind of dessert!! Expensive but it is worth it!
Nice assortment of pastries, although that’s not the main product here.
Pierre Hermè’s macaroons are simply the best ❤️ Delicious filling in generous portion sandwiched between two crackly melt-in-the-mouth shells. Beats La Duree’s anytime 😁
My favorite over Lauderee! They have much more interesting seasonal flavors to try!
Not as many options as the other outlets
Better than Laduree's! Raspberry's elas awesome (along with all the others), Nice service
Inside a little mall, behind the cafe. A little hard to find, but great macaroons.
The most delicious macarons that I have ever tasted!!Thank you for the special edition of 25 marvelous flavors!!God's heaven!!
Pierre herme : 2mixed tastes Laduree: 1 taste. Ur choice to pick
The best macarons in the world!
Плюсом к бесподобному вкусу также является красивая упаковка и фирменный перфо� �ированный пакет даже к самому маленькому заказу :)))
Однозначно самые вкусные макаруны в Париже 😊😊😊 бесподобно нежные и вкусные :))) в моем личном рейтинге они выше Ladurée и Lenôtre 👌
A mais antiga doceria da França!!! Os melhores "macarons" do mundo!!! Vale cada euro gasto lá!!! Sou apaixonada!!! Tudo é uma delíciaaaaa!!!
Bu şubesinde oturup kahve içebileceginiz bir yer bulunmuyor. Yalnızca take away. Kahve macaron arası için sephora yanındaki şubesine gidin.
Mükemmel makaronlar, mücevher gibi👌👌👌 Ağızda lezzet patlaması yaşatıyor. Mutlaka tadın. Tanesi 2 Euro civarı
Los mejores macarrons de París. Precios elevados, caja de 12 macarrons 29eur, vale la pena darse el gusto.
Petit corner Pierre Hermé toujours accessible. Bien plus agréable que ma cohue de chez Ladurée