Sapulu Coffee

Sapulu Coffee

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Sapulu Coffee beralamat di Jl. Panembahan Mangkurat No.10, Panembahan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55131, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Sapulu Coffee Kota Yogyakarta adalah +62 274 4289475


  • Review Sapulu Coffee

    The place is tiny yet cute. It's breezy though it's hot in the afternoon. Their coffee is really good but the other choices in the menu are just unremarkable. Except for the coffee, the price is overpriced. The place is good for catching up w your friends but it doesnt make a good place for work as it's too noisy and the connection is not good enough for virtual meeting. Recommended for their coffee and the vibe only.

  • Review Sapulu Coffee

    Locate across British Cemetery. Have a vintage atmosphere, with a lot old photographs of old Bengkulu hanging on the wall.
    At first, i thought this cafe would have expensive price charging for the food. But, i was wrong. For the taste and quality of the food, i say the price is cheap.
    Their good, polite, and exellent waiter/ress, ready to recommends the house speciality.
    I higly recommend this place

  • Review Sapulu Coffee

    Amazing Place, pertama kali mengijakan kaki di Kota Bengkulu langsung love at the first time dengan tempat ini,sebanyak cafe yang ada di Bengkulu hanya tempat ini yg buat saya jatuh hati dan memutuskan akan sering ke sini. Saya merasakan ketenangan,damai dan bisa menikmatin alunan musik yg asik serta makanan rumahan yang enak,ada western food dan Indonesian food,menu favorit saya adalah Soup Iga dan spaghetti Carbonara.Mereka juga menjual minuman hangat dan dingin,ada kopi dan ice blend. Tentunya Arabica High Americano my favorite.
    Untuk Pelayanan sangat baik dan ramah.
    Ownernya sepertinya bukan orang Indonesia tetapi baik dan ramah juga bisa bahasa Indonesia.
    Tempat ini adalah my secret Heaven karena masih banyak yang belum tau lokasi ini.
    Cafe ini cocok untuk Keluarga,Anak Muda,serta pasangan,buat yg jomblo jg cocok karena tempat duduknya tidak begitu dekat satu sama lain jadi walaupun jomblo kita tetap bisa happy.
    Saya Suka tempat ini,atmosfernya sangat membuat saya nyaman.
    Saya sarankan Datang jam.5 Sore karena belum begitu rame.

  • Review Sapulu Coffee


  • Review Sapulu Coffee

    Cozy place, it was an old house but very comfy, their pizza is delightful, all the pasta is magnifico, various drinks specially for coffee lovers must try their affogato. Quite large parking areas.

  • Review Sapulu Coffee

    Makanan dan minum nya enakk .. apalg kopi2nya .. thebest lah

  • Review Sapulu Coffee

    The location hidden. Yess. Such a hidden coffee shop. Good for hanging out with family or friends

  • Review Sapulu Coffee

    Tempat ngopi mantap rasanya dan suasananya keren


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